Donnerstag, 3. März 2016

Die französische Kopftuchträgerin || The French hijabi

Sakina kommt aus Frankreich. Sie studiert zurzeit in Großbritannien, aber wird im Sommer wieder zurück nach Paris gehen. Sie studiert Jura und will Anwältin werden. Ich habe auch in Frankreich studiert (vor ein paar Jahren...), und wir sind uns einig darin, dass man als Muslim in Großbritannien besser aufgehoben ist. Sorry, Frankreich, das ist einfach so. Du kannst dafür Mode besser. Wie Sakina auf diesen Bildern zeigt... ;) 

Sakina is from France. She currently studies in the UK, but will go back to Paris in the summer. She studies law and wants to become a lawyer one day. I studied in France, too (a few years ago...), and we both agree that as a Muslim, life is better in the UK. Sorry, France, but that's just what it is. You're better in terms of style so, as Sakina demonstrates in these pictures... ;) 

Hijabi fashion muslim modest Mode Kopftuch

2 Kommentare:

  1. You and Sakina are not the first people to talk about how not easy it is to live in France as a Muslim, though; I have a Tunisian friend who lives in France, and she echoed the same sentiments, too.

    I don't know if you've maybe written about the differences between living in France vs living in the UK as a hijabi, but that's definitely a story I'd be interested to hear about!

  2. I have only lived in France for a year, but some of the experiences I made there are completely ridiculous. In my experience, France is definitely one of the most difficult places to live in as a Muslim in Western Europe. Maybe I could ask one of my French hijabi friends if they could write up something...



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