Ich will Farbe. Gebt mir Farbe! Ich will pink und orange, rot und blau, gelb und grün, weiß und türkis. Ich will graphische Muster, Blumen, Kreise, Punkte! Ich will rosa Bommeln und goldene Armreifen. Und wenn möglich, alles zugleich.
I want colour. Give me colour! I want pink and orange, red and blue, yellow and green, white and turquoise. I want graphic patterns, flowers, circles, spots! I want pink bobbles and golden bangles. And if possible, all at once.
Kopftuch: Irgendwo in Deutschand (12 EUR) x
Kette: Accessorize (10 GBP) x
Hemd: Primark (3,50 GBP) x
Kleid: Charity-Shop in England (by Accessorize) (5,50 GBP) x
Armreifen: Primark (2 GBP) x
Jeans: Charity-Shop in Engand (3 GBP) x
Schuhe: Geschenk
Tasche: Charity-Shop in England (by BHS) (3,75 GBP) x
= 37.55 GBP || 46 EUR

Headscarf: Somewhere in Germany (12 EUR) x
Necklace: Accessorize (10 GBP) x
Hemd: Primark (3.50 GBP) x
Dress: Charity shop in England (by Accessorize) (5.50 GBP) x
Bangles: Primark (2 GBP) x
Jeans: Charity shop in Engand (3 GBP) x
Shoes: Gift
Bag: Charity shop in England (by BHS) (3,75 GBP) x
= 37.55 GBP || 46 EUR
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Thank you for your comments, but please remember that this is an anonymous blog, so in case you know me please do not mention my name or any other personal details!