Dienstag, 30. September 2014

Was zum Lachen || Something funny

Ich bin gerade über diesen Artikel über Sachen, die nur Hijabis machen, gestoßen. Ich würde nicht wirklich allen zustimmen (2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 18 und 22 zum Beispiel), aber bei einigen musste ich lachen. 11, zum Beispiel - ja, könnte sein, dass ich das schon mal gemacht habe! :D

I have just come across this article on things only hijabis do. I don't actually agree with all of those (2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 18 and 22 in particular) but some made me laugh out loud. 11, for example - yes, I might have done that! :D


2 Kommentare:

  1. Its kind of weird because when you check the comments people have made underneath the picture article, it just looks like a blame game, culture conflict and sheer intolerance. Let matter of faith be aside, at least we as humans can respect each other's choices that are NOT HARMING anybody else or encroaching somebody else's privacy and belief.

  2. Yeah, unfortunately, sometimes it is better not to read the comments... :/


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Thank you for your comments, but please remember that this is an anonymous blog, so in case you know me please do not mention my name or any other personal details!