Samstag, 13. April 2013

Jeans, Hemd, Hijab || Jeans, dress shirt, hijab

Seit ich die Jeans, von denen ich gestern erzählt habe, gekauft habe, habe ich fast jeden Tag Jeans getragen... || Since I have purchased the new jeans I was talking about yesterday, I have worn jeans pretty much every day... begeistert war ich von meinem Kauf. ||
...that's how chuffed I was with my purchase.

Das ist ein Outfit, das ich ohne zu zögern, auf die Arbeit anziehen würde ... na ja, an nem Casual Friday zumindest. || This is an outfit I would totally wear to work ... well, on a casual Friday, that is.

 ...aber es ist bequem genug, es auch privat zu tragen! ||
...but it is comfortable enough 
to wear it in your free time as well!

Kopftuch: Deutschland (13 EUR)
Kleid: Esprit-Sale (23 EUR)
Hemd: Flohmarkt in Deutschland (0,80 EUR)
Kette: Geschenk
Jeans: Charity-Shop in London (2,50 GBP)
 = 40 EUR / 34 GBP

Head scarf: Germany (13 EUR)
Dress: Esprit sale (23 EUR)
 Dress shirt: flea market in Germany (0.80 EUR)
Necklace: Gift
Jeans: Charity shop in London (2.50 GBP)
= 40 EUR / 34 GBP

2 Kommentare:

  1. I like how you incorporated the stripey sleeves. Nice effect!

  2. Thanks, dear :) Ja, it's amazing what a big difference a simple shirt can make...


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Thank you for your comments, but please remember that this is an anonymous blog, so in case you know me please do not mention my name or any other personal details!